Florence Marceau-Lafleur, Paris, 1988
lives and works in Haarlem, the Netherlands 


2014 - 2018
Bachelor of Fine Arts, Royal Academy of Arts (KABK), The Hague

2007 - 2013 
Research Master ‘History, aesthetics and sociology of cultural projects’ (specialisation: Museology), Université Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris, cum laude

Exhibitions (selected):


2025 - Duo with Marlies Appel, 37PK, Haarlem
2024 - A tangled tale, curator and participating artist, Paviljoen Welgelegen - Provinciehuis Noord-Holland, Haarlem

Solo shows:

2023 - Model Studies on Ecstasy, West End, The Hague
2021 - Studies in Motionlessness, De Vishal, Haarlem

Group shows and other presentations (selected):

2024 - A4xX as part of Paris Ass Book Fair, Palais de Tokyo, Paris
2024 - A4xX as part of Artists Print XI, La Maison des Arts, Brussels
2023 - BOOKSHELF #3, ARTisBOOK, Groningen
2023 - ‘Kunstlicht’ magazine presentation, Openlucht atelier, Amsterdam
2023 - Uitzicht zonder horizon, De Vishal, Haarlem
2022 - Big Art, Hembrugterrein, Zaandam
2022 - Prospects, as part of Art Rotterdam 2022, Van Nelle factory, Rotterdam
2021 - Carte Blanche, De Kloostergangen, Haarlem
2021 - Model Studies, presentation and open studio, boox.space, Haarlem
2021 - La Grande Finale, Galerie Wit, Wageningen
2020 - Vishal Kunstprijs nominees’ exhibition, Haarlem
2019 - Die Wahlverwantschaften, De Vishal, Haarlem
2019 - ‘Extaze’ magazine presentation, Houtrustkerk, The Hague
2018 - KoMASK European Masters Salon Painting 2018, Royal Academy of Fine Arts, Antwerp
2018 - Lichting 2018, Galerie Wit, Wageningen
2018 - OYO 2, HKK, The Hague
2018 - Impressed, Kadmium, Delft  
2018 - KABK 2018, Pulchri, The Hague
2018 - Graduation festival, Royal Academy of Art, The Hague
2017 - Nokia’s Tag Line, Mooof, The Hague
2017 - (Dis)order, The Grey Space in the Middle, The Hague
2016 - Masterclass Marcel van Eeden and Barbara Seiler, Gallery of the Royal Academy, The Hague 

Awards and nominations:

2020 - Vishal Kunstprijs (awarded) - jury: Lucette ter Borg, Gijs Frieling, Esther Jiskoot
2018 - Royal Academy Bachelor Thesis Award (nominated, short list)
2018 - Buning Brongers Prijzen (nominated)
2018 - KoMASK Painting Award (nominated, long list)


2023 - Mondriaan Fonds - Artist Project
2022 - Municipality of Haarlem - Programma Cultuurmakers
2020-2021 - Mondriaan Fonds — Werkbijdrage Jong Talent  


2023 - Visual contribution to Kunstlicht vol.44 no.2 ‘Nosetalgia: smelling the past’, Vrije Universiteit/VU University, Amsterdam
2023 - Ecstatic Yet Not Blissful, self-published, The Hague
2021 - Thoughts while posing, boox.space, Haarlem 
2019 - Visual contribution to Extaze nr.31 ‘De eeuw van Gisèle’, The Hague

Texts about my work, reviews, interviews:

- Silke Tobeler, ‘Florence Marceau-Lafleur - Der Geruch meiner Arbeit ist eindeutig weiblich.’, http://silke-tobeler.de/2024/03/14/florence-marceau-lafleur/, 14-03-2024
- Amarens Eggeraat, Q&A with Florence Marceau-Lafleur, webminar for the World Taste and Smell Day 2023 (transcribed here), 14-09-2023
- ‘Hoogtij #72 – het vervolg’, jegensentevens.nl/2023/03/hoogtij-72-het-vervolg, Jegens & Tevens, 14-03-2023
- Milo Vermeire, ‘De ‘Prospects’ van Art Rotterdam 2022’, Mister Motley, 20-05-2022
- Sarah van Binsbergen, ‘Florence Marceau-Lafleur’, in Prospects catalog, 2022
- Marcella Kuijper, ‘Florence Marceau-Lafleur, Studies in Motionlessness’, short documentary commissioned by De Vishal, 2021
- Annemieke Windt, ‘Expositie Studies in Motionlessness geeft adem een centrale rol’, Haarlems Dagblad, 17 december 2021
- Lucette ter Borg, ‘Juryrapport Vishal Kunstprijs’, november 2020
- Nuel Gieles, ‘Florence Marceau wint Vishalprijs voor Jonge Kunstenaars’, Haarlems Dagblad, 20 november 2020
- Marjolijn Blauwbroek, ‘De Kunstlijn op bezoek in her atelier van Florence Marceau-Lafleur, HRLM, september 2019

Related activities:

- Co-organisor project space boox.space
- Guest curator Paviljon Welgelegen - Provinciehuis Noord-Holland
- Member of the sponsorship committee of De Vishal

- Academic model
- Galerie assistant (Galerie Maurits van de Laar / Drawing Now)
- Internship supervisor (photography student KABK)
- Commercial writer (copywriting and contributions to online magazines)
- Cultural mediator (Musée d’Orsay, Musée de Cluny, Centquatre Paris)