From 2 March to 6 April, ‘Round and About’ brings together my work and that of Marlies Appel at 37PK in Haarlem. An inner connection between the individual and the world forms the guiding thread of the exhibition. At the opening on Sunday, 2 March, at 4 pm, Renée Borgonjen will present both of our works and introduce Marlies Appel’s latest book, Serpentine, published by 99 Uitgevers. 

37PK, Platform voor Kunsten - Groot Heiligland 37 - 2011 EP Haarlem
Thursday to Sunday, from 13:00 to 17:00

Robert van Altena recently interviewed me for his radio programme Springvossen (Amsterdam FM). The broadcast is available at: or on Soundcloud and Spotify (in Dutch).

I am happy to have received the Joke Breemouer Kunstlijnprijs! This award gives me the opportunity to create a solo exhibition in Kunst Centrum Haarlem, in November 2025. 

Be welcome to 'A tangled tale', a show I curated with the works of Marlies Appel, Lotus Rosalina Hebbing, Sanne Kabalt, Scott van Kampen Wieling and mine, for Pavilion Welgelegen in Haarlem. The exhibition presents confusion as an integral part of our human and artistic experience. Sarah van Binsbergen opens the exhibition on Saturday 2 November at 11.

Pavilion Welgelegen | Provinciehuis Noord-Holland - Dreef 3 - 2012 HR Haarlem

Monday to Friday, from 9.00 to 17.00, until January 5, 2025

documentation by Peter Lipton (

with the kind support of the province of North-Holland and Kunstlijn Haarlem


You can find my work at A4xX, an edition curated by Christine Demias. The aim of A4xX is to make art accessible to all, by creating the conditions for relationships, exchange and encounters. Artists, critics, writers, philosophers, designers and architects are invited to conceive and produce works in black and white on sheets of A4 paper, which are printed and made available at public performances. These activations take place in venues which are not necessarily designed as art-specific spaces, but in each one a printer is in place. The next activation is:

Artists Print XI
Independant fair for artist books and multiples
February 2,3,4, 2024

La Maison des Arts - Chau. de Haecht 147 - 1030 Schaerbeek, Brussels

On Saturday, 16 December 2023, you can find me at ARTisBOOK for ‘Bookshelf 3’, a one-day show during which my booklet ‘Thoughts while posing’ is on show and for sale. The event provides a platform for artists to showcase their work and connect with fellow makers and the public.

ARTisBOOKS - Westerhavenstraat 14 -9718 AL  Groningen


The exhibition ‘Uitzicht zonder horizon’ features representations of possible spaces that you can enter mentally. The works on display each search for the third dimension in an attempt to visualize a sense of reality.

I will present an extended series of stereoscopes, along the works of Kees Bierman, Rob Bouwman, Pim Palsgraaf, Maurice van Tellingen, Rob Voerman, Luuk Wilmering, and a selection of works from the Vedute foundation.

Opening on 14 July 2023 at 5,
and from 15 July to August 20

De Vishal - Grote Markt 20 - 2011 RD Haarlem 

Visual contribution to Kunstlicht vol.44, 2023, no.2/3 ‘Nosetalgia’
Design by Corinne van der Wal, cover by Amarens Eggeraat
Guest editors: Sofia Collette Ehrich and Amarens Eggeraat 

Aailable at De Appel (Amsterdam), Billytown (The Hague), De Drukkerij (Middelburg), the Jewish Museum (Amsterdam), MELLY (Rotterdam), Pro QM Thematische Buchhandlung (Berlin), the Stedelijk Museum bookstore (Amsterdam) Stroom (The Hague), and online at :

Come and join us on Friday June 23 at the Openlucht Atelier for the launch of the latest issue of Kunstlicht, to which I have contributed. I will perform with nose whistles, and there will be a small, open-air, ephemeral show. 

Kunstlicht is an academic journal for art, visual culture and architecture. Its latest issue, Nosetalgia, explores the connections between smell, nostalgic feelings and art, bringing forward the following question: why are smells important in artistic practice and can these smells be presented as art in themselves?

Openlucht Atelier - Stenen hoofd 1 - 1013 AJ Amsterdam
The door opens at 6, and the presentation starts at 7.

documentation by Scott van Kampen Wieling (
more pictures on:

this exhibition is supported by the Mondriaan Fund and the Municipality of Haarlem.


Until the end of March, I am performing ‘Self-absorbed’, a one-hour pose at West End in the Hague. Rather than a spectacle meant to be witnessed in its entirety, ‘Self-absorbed’ is a performance meant to be encountered almost by chance. It proposes a glimpse into the thoughts of a motionless body visualising its presence in the surrounding space.

This performance is part of the show ‘Model Studies on Ecstasy’ (24.2.23 - 26-3-23). It is visible from the windows each Friday, Saturday and Sunday from 1 to 2 (just before the visiting hours of the show, from 2 to 5).

On March 10, for Hoogtij (the contemporary art tour of the city of The Hague), I will also perform in the evening.

Full programme on:

Save the date: ‘Model Studies on Ecstasy’ opens on February 26 at 4.
West End - Westeinde 58 - The Hague

There Where You Think, my series of stereoscopic works, is now available in a limited edition through the website of

Each stereoscope contains one stereoscopic plate, and comes in a clamshell box with an authenticity certificate.

More on:

‘Volatile anatomy (own body volume as twenty seven exhales)’, installation view at Big Art, Zaandam, 2022

On June 24-26, I am participating in Big Art, the Dutch fair for installation art and large-size design:

Middenweg 63, Zaandam
Open daily 10 am – 6 pm

Prospects 2022, installation views, photographed by Aad Hoogendoorn for the Mondriaan Fund

extract from: Milo Vermeire, ‘De ‘Prospects’ van Art Rotterdam 2022’, Mister Motley, 20-05-22, retrieved from:

On May 19-22, for Art Rotterdam, I am showing my work at 'Prospects’, among the 88 emerging artists who received a Werkbijdrage Jong Talent from the Mondriaan Fund in 2020.

Be welcome to the opening of the ‘The lure of the distant’, a show by Lotus Rosalina Hebbing at Lotus currently studies photography at the Royal Academy of Arts in the Hague, and is interning at my studio during this semester. I am mentoring her towards her first solo-exhibition, where she will present videos, drawings and objects.

Opening On May 6 at 5 PM
Open on 7 & 8 and 14 & 15 May from 1 to 5
and on appointment on 9 - 13 May  


‘Studies in Motionlessness’ is prolonged until January 30.
I will be present on the last weekend from 1 to 4.

Open from Tuesday to Saturday from 11 to 17
Sunday from 13 to 17

De Vishal
Grote Markt 20
2011 RD Haarlem

’Studies in Motionlessness’, exhibition views
credits pictures 2 and 3: Paul Vreeker (United Pictures), for the Haarlems Dagblad 

More about the show on:

Video recorded during the lockdown of the cultural sector in January 2022. Music: soccer Committee aka Mariska Baars
Video and ocarina sounds: Florence Marceau-Lafleur

Annemieke Windt,‘Winaar Vishalprijs onderzoekt ruimte, adem en anatomie’, Haarlems Dagblad, 18 December 2021

The booklet ‘Thoughts While Posing’ accompanies ‘Studies in Motionlessness’. Each booklets is signed and numbered, and costs €15 (+€4 if shipped). Available at De Vishal for the duration of the show, possibility to order by email:

'Studies in Motionlessness', Opening performance with soccerCommittee, a.k.a. Mariska Baars, outfits designed by Jiyun Lapthorn (Fronté)

Be welcome to 'Studies in Motionlessness', my first solo exhibition, opening on December 3 at De Vishal in Haarlem!

A group exhibition within the framework of Kunstlijn, the contemporary art festival of Haarlem.

De Vishal, Grote Markt 20, Haarlem
30.10.21 - 21.11.21

During Kunstlijn I am having a presentation and open studio at Open on 6.11.21 and 7.11.21 from 11 to 6. See also:

Carte Blanche
with the works of Pieter Berkhout, Charles Bruijn, Annemieke Couzy, Margriet Gehrels, Herman van den Heuvel, Rogier Polman, Liselotte Schut and mine

De Kloostergangen, town hall of Haarlem, Grote Markt 2
29.10.21 - 19.11.21

I am developing a small project space in collaboration with, a Haarlem-based bookbindery. The first show we are curating presents the work of Linhuei Chen, a Taiwanese-born artist who explores the theme of diaspora in her book ‘The Third Space’. In addition to this book, she shows the sketches, paintings, and objects which accompanied her artistic research. 

On show from 15 October 2021 to 4 November 2021
Leidsestraat 53 ZW, 2013 XG Haarlem, NL

From September 4 to October 3 2021, I am participating in La Grande Finale, the final show of Galerie Wit. The exhibition presents a selection of artists who have worked together with the gallery during the past 15 years. 

With Anne Geene, Arno Kramer, Carlijn Mens, Femke Dekkers, Frans Lampe, herman de vries, Joos van de Plas, Klaas Gubbels, Sjoerd Buisman, and many more artists.

I feel very happy and honoured to have been awarded the Vishal Kunstprijs 2020. 

The Vishal Kunstprijs is attributed every two years to artists in different age categories. This fifth edition was dedicated to artists up to 40. The jury (Lucette ter Borg, Gijs Frieling and Esther Jiskoot) selected three finalists (Ian de Ruiter, Rutger van der Tas and myself) who are now participating in a group show at the Vishal.

The award consists of a pecuniary prize as well as a solo-exhibition at the Vishal, to be presented at the end for next year.

More information about the award, the nominee's show, and the jury rapport can be found here.

Due to the health situation, De Vishal Kunstprijs ceremony will take place with a restricted audience on Friday November 20 at 4PM. The instagram account of the Vishal organizes a lifestream to follow the event online. Stay tuned: @vishalhaarlem.

Happy to announce my nomination for the Vishal Kunstprijs 2020! 

I am currently preparing a show with the other nominees, Ian de Ruiter and Rutger van der Tas, to be opened at De Vishal on November 13.

Thank you Mondriaan Fund for supporting my artwork and research in the coming year!

Until the end of August 2020, I am presenting a new work in the city hall of Haarlem, as part as the exhibition program ‘Kunst op Kantoor’. 

See also:

Due to the corona-virus, ‘Between Intimacy and Alienation’ is postponed to a later period. The Vishal will remain closed for the whole month of March.

From 20 March to 19 April 2020, I will participate in ‘Between Intimacy and Alienation’, a group show taking place at the Vishal in Haarlem.

The exhibition will also present the works of Dik Box, Maria Vashchuk, Vincent Uilenbroek, Gerda Kruimer, Noam Ben Jacov, and a performance in collaboration with Maya Friedman (cellist) and Uri Eugenio (danser).

More details here:

On Saturday 2 November and Sunday 3 November 2019 from 11:00 to 17:00, my studio will be open to the public for the Kunstlijn weekend.
More information here:  

I will show recent drawings as part of ‘Die Wahlverwandtschaften’:

‘Extaze’ magazine and pop-up show (exhibition view by Eric de Vries).

A selection of my visual work will soon be published in the literary magazine ‘Extaze’. I am preparing a pop-up show for the launch of the magazine on September 5, 2019. See also:

KoMASK European Masters Salon Painting catalog, published by the Royal Society for the Encouragement of Fine Arts (Antwerp, 2018).
Thanks to Elza de Bruin for her documentation of my work.

Together with two other KABK alumni, I will represent my academy at the KoMASK Master Salon Painting, an exhibition gathering the best graduates of Europe at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Antwerp.
More info here:

I will show some new works at Galerie Wit until 11-11-2018.
More details here:

From 26-09-2018 to 29-09-18, I will show a new drawing at the HKK (The Hague). The show features works by 14 new graduates from different departments of the Royal Academy.

Some of my graduation works will be shown again at Kadmium (cultural center in Delft). 
More information here:

KABK graduation festival
6-12 June, opening the 6th at 17.00,
other days open from 11.00 to 20.00
Prinsessegracht 4 2514 AN Den Haag
see also:

Graduation exhibition view, 2018

Prinsessegracht 4 2514 AN Den Haag